Bacterial Structure 1

Bacterial Structure 2


Blood agar showing Non-haemolytic bacteria

Blood agar showing complete haemolysis

MacConkey agar showing colonies of E.coli : Lactose fermenter


MacConkey agar showing colonies of Klebsiella : Mucoid and Lactose fermenter

Aneaerobic Jar


Test For Bacterial motility in deep agar

Lateral opacity = Motile bacteria:tube to the left


Urease test

Oxidase test


Indole test, Positive


Coagulase test: Positive
API test
Antibiotic sensitivity test: Agar diffusion method
Staphylococci in pus
Staphylococci from culture
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Streptococci in pus
----------------------------------------- Streptococci from culture
Pneumococci in Tissues
Pneumococci in Pus
Pneumococci in Blood

Pneumococci from culture

Neisseria in pus


Niesseria in Pus

C. diphtheria by Gram stain
C. diphtheria by methylene blue stain
B. anthracis in Pus
B.Anthracis in blood
B. anthracis from culture
C. tetani : negative staining
------------------------------------------------- Acid Fast Bacilli : ZN stain
Acid Fast Bacilli : Fluorescent Stain
Auramine-phenol method
Klebsiella bacilli in tissues

Proteus growth : Swarming
V. cholera

Yersinia in Blood

Treponema pallidum by Fontana stain